You can purchase previous season's items at affordable prices.

HERALBONY's "Responsible Manufacturing Declaration"

Approximately 450,000 tons of clothing are disposed of as waste every year. This problem places a huge burden on the environment, and manufacturing companies like ours bear a great responsibility.

HERALBONY has adopted the " Responsible Manufacturing Declaration " and has set specific numerical targets to ensure that we do not contribute to the creation of a negative environment. At HERALBONY OUTLET, you can purchase previous season's items at affordable prices. There is no problem with the quality.

Art license fees and quality intact

We have a strong respect for artists and their work.
Therefore, we have revised the prices we offer to customers for these products while maintaining the quality and the art licensing fees to the artists.

Licensing fees to artists will never go down.
Just like our other products, we will deliver each item carefully.

Enjoy a wonderful art life at HERALBONY OUTLET.