There may be a "root of sense" that humanity has yet to understand [Mizuno Manabu x Matsuda Takaya and Fumito]

"HERALBONY and the Philosophy of Words" is a series that takes a simple and thorough philosophical look at the various "words" that we use casually in our daily lives - what lies behind those words.
HERALBONY has been confronting and updating various "preconceptions" embedded in words up until now. In this series, HERALBONY members, including Representative Director Matsuda, will discuss the "philosophy of words" with opinion leaders active in various fields such as business, art, welfare, and academia, in order to break the spell of words and expand the circle of thought in which 8 billion "unique people" can play active roles with vitality.
The fourth episode features Manabu Mizuno, the creative director and representative of good design company, who designed the new logo for HERALBONY's rebranding project. Mizuno is a top creator who has worked on the design of Kumamon, the official mascot of Kumamoto Prefecture, and the branding design of various leading Japanese companies. Mizuno and Takaya and Fumito Matsuda, the representatives of HERALBONY, will discuss philosophy on the word "sense."
Things to consider from the perspective of "Sense begins with knowledge"

Mizuno Manabu (hereinafter Mizuno): I am personally happy to be working with a "cool" company like HERALBONY.

Of course, this is beneficial for people with disabilities, but they also use communication methods that naturally make the general public think, "That's a good idea" or "I want that."
There may be other companies out there that operate in a similar business model to HERALBONY, and maybe even on a larger scale. But I think that in terms of our vision and the communication methods we use to convey that vision, my way of thinking is compatible with theirs. I think that was also a factor in our working together on this rebranding project.
Takaya: So you felt that way. I'm glad.
Mizuno: Today's theme is "sense," so let's start by talking about what "sense" is. I wrote a book called "Sense Begins from Knowledge" (published by Asahi Shimbun Publications), but I also believe that people are different in areas that are more fundamental than knowledge, and that this is related to sense.
People who are good at remembering and understanding things through images are often said to have a "photographic brain" or a "visual brain." I myself am one of them, and I think that most people who work as designers are this type. There are various levels of this "visual brain." If we simplify it to levels 1 to 5, some designers are at level 5, while others are at levels 3 or 4. Maybe some designers are at level 1. I think that "knowledge" complements these innate elements. That's what I mean when I say that "sense begins with knowledge."
Fumito: We are also avid readers of Mizuno's books.
Mizuno: Thank you. On the other hand, I don't really know what balance HERALBONY's contracted artists have between their innate visual brains and acquired knowledge. Can they produce such amazing works with just an innate visual brain? But I think that in addition to their innate visual brains, they must have some kind of "knowledge" to create.
A special sense that makes you feel like you have "psychic powers"
Takaya: Many of HERALBONY's contracted artists suffer from both intellectual disabilities and autism. Sanae Sasaki's work "(Untitled) (Circle)," which has become the symbol of the brand, is a typical example of this, in which circles are filled in one after another with a ballpoint pen.
>> Watch Sanae Sasaki's video of her work
Takaya: One of the characteristics of autism is "stereotypic behavior." This is the feeling of calm and security brought by constantly repeating the same behavior. I think Sasaki's work was born out of this very stereotypic behavior.
My brother is also autistic, and has been diagnosed with an intelligence of about a three-year-old. At times, he repeats words that he doesn't understand, or invents strange wordplay, which may not be what we call "knowledge," but there is something unique about him. Other artists also have bodies that become more refined while retaining the intelligence of a two- or three-year-old, and as they grow older, their abilities become more refined, producing surprisingly straightforward and powerful expressions. I have a hypothesis that the imbalance between intelligence and physical ability is the secret to their expressions.
Mizuno: I think that current science has yet to unravel the secrets. In fact, they may have a vast amount of knowledge within them, which they express as art. For example, when looking at an insect encyclopedia, they may come across something called a "compound eye." When they saw that, they may have had a strong urge to draw compound eyes, and so they may have continued to draw compound eyes.
Fumito: That's entirely possible.
Mizuno: If you think about it like that, I think the influence of "innate things" is actually quite large. Their works are so powerful that it almost makes you think they are displaying innate abilities - something that can even be called "psychic abilities." What's important here is not that they are "displayed," but that they "maybe are being displayed." It's not something that has been explained, but merely a possibility. That's what makes it interesting.
Their works are really straightforward and strong. I feel that their strength is not only generated by "knowledge" but also by something like "impulse". If that's the case, it's in direct conflict with the idea that "sense begins with knowledge" that I've been preaching up until now (laughs). But when I look at their works, there are times when I think like that.

"Sense" is the ability to accept new stimuli
Takaya: I think that art by people with disabilities is close to something essential and fundamental, like a return to primitive times.
In Mizuno's book, he talks about how "art classes raise the bar for taste." If you're good at copying, you can get a 5 on your report card. But the artists at HERALBONY would probably get a 1 in a copying class. It's about creating things that spring from instinct and can't be reduced to a numerical evaluation. I think that this act itself expands the framework of "taste."
HERALBONY itself is an effort to bring new ideas to society that have never been seen before. We hope that by releasing natural talent, we can broaden the scope of "sense."
Mizuno: Ah, I see. When I say "sense begins with knowledge," the "knowledge" I mean not just "study," but input in general. It could also be rephrased as the ability to accept received stimuli. In other words, "rich sensitivity." If "sense" begins with "rich sensitivity," then the HERALBONY artists may also be taking in stimuli at a level we have yet to understand, and linking them to their own unique expressions.
Fumito: There's an exquisite balance in the composition of the painting and the arrangement of the shapes within it. In fact, there may be some kind of secret, some amazing law behind it. It may be that they are born from something that they can see clearly, but that we just haven't been able to figure out.
Mizuno: That's entirely possible. I once studied the "Fibonacci sequence" while working with a client. The bumps on the surface of lychees and pineapples, the arrangement of sunflower seeds, and the spirals of typhoons can all be expressed by the "Fibonacci sequence."
*The Fibonacci sequence is named after the Italian mathematician Fibonacci. Many patterns in nature, such as the arrangement of plant leaves and the shape of seashells, are related to this sequence.
Mizuno: If you think about it that way, it's possible that expressions are born based on the laws of nature, passing through the filters of their minds and experiences. After all, such things are perfectly beautiful, so I think the possibility is not zero.
Takaya: That's true. If you look for works by HERALBONY artists whose compositions follow the Fibonacci sequence, you might be surprised to find some.
Mizuno: Besides the Fibonacci sequence, there are many other laws in nature, so if we examine them one by one, we may find unexpected and interesting results. There are probably many parts like that that we cannot see. That's why there is a limit to thinking based only on what we currently know.
HERALBONY may be a research laboratory for exploring art and happiness.

There may be some things that are better left unsolved (laughs), but I'm sure we'll make many discoveries that will contribute to the happiness of artists.
Fumito: That kind of research sounds interesting! I'd love to try it.
Mizuno: I think there are two types of business. One is business as a "public entity." Konosuke Matsushita, founder of Panasonic Holdings, also said, "A company is a public entity." Matsushita has a way of thinking called the "Waterworks Philosophy." For example, let's make electricity because it is dark, and deliver it cheaply to every corner of society to enrich people's lives. And let's make the way we make it public so that anyone can make it. That's the idea. It's called the "Waterworks Philosophy," because it's like being able to access cheap, safe water wherever you are by simply turning on the faucet.
I believe that HERALBONY is currently practicing this business as a "public institution."
The other is business as "research." Konosuke Matsushita also conducted research at the company Panasonic. Research is not only on why people with disabilities create the kind of work they do, but also on what they might be good at beyond artistic activities. Business as a "public service" and business as "research" -- I think it would be great if these two wheels could work together.
Takaya: That's exactly what I was thinking. Our first goal has always been to do profit-making activities and give back to the artists, but I was beginning to think that if we had something like the research function that Mizuno-san just mentioned as another axis of the company, we might be able to contribute more to the happiness of people with disabilities. You gave me some very good tips today.
In the second part, we will continue to philosophize about "sense" with Mizuno Manabu, including the "future" that both Matsuda envisioned for Paris and Hanamaki, Iwate.
>> To be continued in the second part: When we no longer refer to people with disabilities as "disabled people," humanity will surely advance. [Mizuno Manabu x Matsuda Takaya and Fumito]