[Interview with Tominaga Ai] With our own small power, we can change the world.

"HERALBONY & PEOPLE" is a series where we talk to people who support HERALBONY. In this series, we interview people from all walks of life who are in tune with our activities and business.

The fifth episode features Ai Tominaga, who is active as a model and in recent years as an ethical lifestyle SDGs ambassador (Consumer Affairs Agency). Dressed in HERALBONY's classic "Square, Circle and Triangle" shirt, Tominaga talks about how she first encountered HERALBONY and what she thinks about it.

I learned about HERALBONY on the runway

-It is a great honor to be able to introduce Mr. Tominaga as one of "HERALBONY & PEOPLE" this time.

Tominaga Ai (hereinafter, Tominaga): Ever since I learned about HERALBONY last fall, I've felt a certain fate with them, so I'm very happy to have been contacted.

I first encountered HERALBONY at the Tokyo Fashion Crossing fashion event held in November last year (2023). Models of various races, ages, physical characteristics, and other personalities participated in this event, and I walked with many other models on an outdoor runway decorated with art by Ikumi, a contracted artist for HERALBONY. It was a fun event with unique artists such as Marina, Iga Otokoro, and Ikumi.

"TOKYO FASHION CROSSING" was held in Marunouchi last November. The work on the runway was "TamTam Dot" by the unique artist Ikumi. Tominaga: During the event, Tokyo Governor Koike Yuriko introduced HERALBONY's efforts, so I knew from the start that it was a piece created by someone with a disability, but first and foremost, I thought it was wonderful as art.

First of all, art does not have a boundary whether the artist has a disability or not. It is evaluated on the value of the work itself. In that sense, I think I was a fan of HERALBONY's art from the first time I met them.

At "TOKYO FASHION CROSSING," Tominaga, along with Terry Ito, Yuriyan Retriever, and Kemio walked the runway as ambassadors. Tominaga: That's how I found out about HERALBONY last fall and thought, "They're doing some really great work," and then shortly after, I met HERALBONY again in a JAL in-flight pouch. I was on a JAL flight like always, and when I looked at the in-flight pouch, it caught my eye and I thought, "Wow! It's HERALBONY!"

The pouches are really nice. I think there are about six different kinds. I only have two, but I'd like to have them all someday (laughs). When I fly on a JAL flight, I ask the flight attendant if I can pick out a different type of pouch for me.
A total of six types of amenity kits will be distributed in JAL international business class. JAL and Heralbony announced a business partnership in October 2023.

"HERALBONY shirts are high quality."

Classic shirt "Square, circle and triangle" ¥49,500/tax included Tominaga: I just love the artworks created by HERALBONY artists. I often go to art museums and look at a wide range of art, from traditional to contemporary. Each and every piece of art arouses my curiosity.

The shirt I'm wearing today is called " Square, Circle and Triangle ." I picked out a few shirts from the online store and chose this one together with my stylist.

--These are works by Miyuki Higo, who works at "Atelier Yahho!!" in Kyoto. All of her works depict colorful worlds that exude kindness, but "Square, Circle and Triangle" is a popular piece of art that has been made into various products, not just shirts.

Tominaga: Yes, it's very beautiful. And not only is it a work of art, but the shirt itself is high quality and feels great to wear. Especially with a shirt like this, whether it's well made or not really shows your style. As a piece of clothing, it's made with great care! And if you look closely, you'll see that the buttons are thread buttons, and there's a lot of attention paid to even the smallest details.
[Costume Cooperation] Ring: HOORSENBUHS (LITTLE LEAGUE INC.) --I'm glad you noticed. HERALBONY is now at the point where it can venture out into the world, and we are challenging ourselves to do " responsible manufacturing " that pays attention to even the smallest details, such as using materials and construction methods that put as little strain on the environment as possible.
Tominaga: The world! That's great! I think HERALBONY can aim for the world. They could hold exhibitions overseas and sell apparel products. I feel there's a lot of potential. It's fine because it's a wonderful piece of art. Rather than saying "you can aim for it," you should aim for it (laughs).

Art by people with disabilities is very popular overseas, so it might be a good idea to go overseas first and then re-import it back to Japan. That's exactly what I did (laughs). I made my debut on an overseas runway, and was later re-imported to Japan because "there seems to be a Japanese model doing well overseas." Japan takes time to accept "new ideas," so it may be easier to be accepted if you first get positive feedback overseas.

I definitely encourage you to try going overseas! There's nothing to be intimidated by.

--Thank you for giving me the push I needed!

It feels better to think that you can change society with your own hands

Tominaga: If I had to say what's amazing about HERALBONY, I think it's that they're really sensing the "wave" of the times. We're often told that we're living in an age of diversity. In a way, "diversity" has become fashionable. They're really sensing that "wave," and they're trying to change society by riding that wave. I think that's amazing.

Life is a flow, so how do you steer yourself through that flow? The most important thing is to accurately "feel" the waves of the times. It's important to feel the waves and think, "Ah, now is the time!" or "No, not now."

How to catch a wave and ride it - when I was just debuting and fighting on the runway, I was honestly too young to feel the "wave" well. Luck, timing, and your own efforts. Looking back on my life, I feel that when those three come together and the wave of the times and my own timing match up well, things move forward well.

--Mr. Tominaga, you tackle social issues every day and have the image of a "fighter." HERALBONY also continues to work to make society a better place, between social movements and business. If you have any advice on "changing society," please let us know.

Tominaga: A fighter! But that's the image I have (laughs).
Tominaga: Nearly 30 years ago when I debuted as a model, there was anti-Asian hate and Asian models were discriminated against. Just because I was Asian, I was often told, "You're not sexy even if you wear a dress," or "You only look good in black." That was really frustrating.

In that situation, I think I fought in various ways. For example, it's a really small thing, but I studied sexy gestures day and night, and I made sure to never wear black clothes to auditions where casting was decided (laughs). I continued to fight in that way every day.

By accomplishing even small things like that, we can change society, even if only little by little. I have realized that such practical methods produce results much more quickly than simply waiting for the times to change.

I believe that HERALBONY's activities can definitely change the world. They don't wait for the world to change, they take action themselves and change things with their own hands. I think they have accumulated that experience over the six years since they were founded, which is why they are where they are today. After all, that kind of active and positive approach "feels good."

Transform the frustration I feel every day into energy that will lift me up. And in doing so, change society for the better, even if just a little. I think that's what I've been thinking as I've come this far.

So, if you ask whether society has changed as a result of this, I'd say it's probably only "a little bit." But, looking specifically at the modeling industry, I think Asians have a much greater chance of succeeding than they did 30 years ago, and I do feel that I have been a force for some kind of "change."

Circulate the "favor" and "luck" you have received

[Costume cooperation] Pants: MOLLIOLLI. (H3O FASHION BUREAU) / Shoes: ADIEU (BOW INC) --Mr. Tominaga, you are involved in various social activities, such as being an official supporter of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), working for the international cooperation NGO JOICFP, and being an Ethical Lifestyle SDGs Ambassador for the Consumer Affairs Agency, but what was the trigger for you to get involved?

Tominaga: As for the SDGs, my interest was originally in the earth and nature, and more specifically in the circulation of the natural environment, so naturally my awareness was drawn to them. It's my interest, or you could even call it a "hobby," but when I really looked into it, I felt like I arrived at "sustainability." The SDGs have 17 goals, so the targets are quite broad, but I first became interested in the issues of climate change and environmental destruction.

On the other hand, I am also active in the public interest incorporated association "Joysef", where I work to protect the health of pregnant women and children in developing countries, and continue to work on SRHR (sexual and reproductive health and rights) in Japan. I was approached by someone who wanted to hold a charity event through fashion. At that time, "fashion and charity" was not really connected in Japan. It was already popular overseas, though. My son was about kindergarten age at the time, and as a mother, I heard about the current situation of pregnant women and children in developing countries, and I thought, "I want to support this activity from the bottom of my heart," and I have been working with them ever since.

--You've continued each of your activities for a long time.

Tominaga: I personally believe that it is the duty of people in relatively privileged positions to contribute to society. The kindness you receive should be passed on to the next person. That's how kindness circulates through society. Because I think like that, I feel that I have to give back to society the "luck" that I once received as kindness.

I think I was searching for a way to give back to society the "luck" and "favor" I received. That's when I came across the activities of JOICFP and the SDGs initiative. I intend to continue giving back to society as my life's work for the rest of my life.

Of course, as a fan, I would like to support HERALBONY's activities in some way. First of all, as someone involved in the fashion industry, I would be happy to help spread HERALBONY's clothes to the world.

--We'd love to hear your support. We feel that there is still room to improve the quality of our clothes, so we'd be happy if you would continue to support us.

[Costume Cooperation]